Prayer Team:  this week's prayer theme is "vision". During your prayer time, please add "vision". 
Pray and Agree:
-For God to show His vision clearly to all the leaders, co-leader, speakers and volunteers and that all would be in unity and of one accord with the vision
-For all to trust in the Lord while the vision is revealed and fulfilled
-For finances and favor for the vision to come forth
-For a "wall of fire" to protect the vision and stop anything that would go against the vision 
Margarita Sosa
5/5/2012 09:29:32 pm

In agreement with you all in prayer for a clear vision from the Holy Spirit for this retreat. For a complete plan to be revealed by the Lord to ALL leaders to work in unity for His glory!

Ylcania Castillo
5/9/2012 06:59:46 am

Wow sounds like a plan!!! So looking forward to this! You & the team are in my prayer!

5/9/2012 09:20:17 am

Thank for the prayers! We are looking forward to it too!


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