Prayer Team:  this week's prayer theme is "Unity".

Pray and Agree:
-For leaders, speakers, co-leaders and teams to be in unity and tuned to the Holy Spirit for direction - be supportive of one another.
-For them to be of the same mind, maintaining the same sister love, united in spirit, intentions in one purpose - to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ.
-That they esteem one another higher than themselves. May they be faithful in commitment to each other.
-For all spirits of deceit, unforgiveness, jeolousy, pride, resentment, insecuries, vain, and the spirit of "gossip and division" be kept away and far from them. May they give no cause of offense in anything, but in unity serving one another as to the Lord.
-For a "wall of fire" to protect their unity and stop anything
that would go against it.
5/20/2012 12:56:47 pm

In complete agreement with all the prayer team members for God's mantel of unity over all speakers, team members and everyone involved in the event. May God's peace cover everyone. In Jesus' holy and precious Name. Amen.

5/21/2012 01:07:17 am


5/20/2012 11:50:04 pm

Thank you Lord for what you already began and for the wonders you are going to do in this retreat in the lives of these women that you already chose. I pray for all my sisters who are leaders and speakers. Let them work focus in you, giving you glory and worshiping to you

5/21/2012 01:07:53 am


5/24/2012 08:20:31 am

In agreement in the name of Jesus. Lord, bless and cover each one of our team members. Give us your blessings, favor, and anointing. Bless us with the messages and with love for one another. May we grow closer and love each other more and more! That our messages will be knitted together into ONE big message - salvation, restoration, redemption, and renewed minds. Lord Jesus, set the captives FREE! Use us for Kingdom growth and Kingdom purposes.


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